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App Development

A Breakdown of React Native and Its Benefits

Sean Barker
Sean Barker


At Reusser, we are passionate about Apple products and take pride in crafting exceptional applications for them. However, we understand that by exclusively targeting iOS, we unintentionally overlook a significant portion of mobile users, who account for approximately 42% in the United States alone. [1]

Overcoming this challenge is no easy feat. Historically, developing for multiple platforms meant a substantial increase in complexity and resource requirements. Thankfully, there is an innovative solution that eliminates these obstacles—React Native.


Developed by Facebook, React Native is an open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It's a game-changer in the app development world because it allows developers to write one codebase that works seamlessly across multiple platforms - a win-win situation for both businesses and developers.

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Cross-Platform Support

With React Native, we can construct your application and leverage the same codebase to target iOS, Android, Web, tvOS (Apple TV), Mac, Windows, and even Xbox. This versatility and efficiency make React Native an ideal choice for our app development strategy, allowing us to save you time and money.

Platform Specific Conventions

Users expect an experience that’s consistent with their mobile platform. For example, on iOS when an application needs the attention of the user, it typically slides up a component called a bottom sheet. On the web, this typically comes in the form of a dialogue box (sometimes referred to as a popup or a modal). The React Native community is well aware of these expectations and has built solutions to make sure that your application is using the right solution for the platform.

Easier Maintenance and Updates

Having one codebase makes maintaining and updating your app significantly easier. While native apps require fixing bugs and pushing updates for each platform separately, React Native allows you to address issues and update features across all platforms simultaneously. This reduces both the time taken and the resources needed for maintenance allowing us to spend less time on support and more time adding value for your customers.

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Native When You Need It

One of the superpowers of React Native is its ability to let you write code in the platform-specific language such as Swift or Kotlin when necessary, and avoid it when not. This provides a lot of power and capability to the application because it allows us to tap into the native API’s provided by companies like Apple and Android when developing for their platforms.

Large and Active Community Support

React Native boasts a thriving developer community. This means any challenges encountered during development can be easily overcome with the help of shared experiences, solutions, and reusable components available from the community.

Whether you're a start-up aiming to capture the digital market quickly or an established company wanting to expand your digital presence, React Native combined with Reusser's expertise can provide you with the mobile solution you need, saving you time and money in the process. Contact us today to start your next project.

Learn more about Reusser’s development services.