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App Development, Web Development

Why Laravel

Jake Smith
Jake Smith
Senior Developer

At Reusser, we love to build applications with the PHP framework Laravel. We’ve used Laravel on numerous projects of various sizes, from custom e-commerce solutions to large-scale enterprise applications, to simple APIs to augment marketing sites. Laravel enables efficient collaboration and rapid prototyping, streamlining the development process and reducing the time it takes to build and maintain software. It works well with agile methodologies, allowing our team to work together, iterate quickly, and validate assumptions without having to build everything from scratch. This leads to faster development cycles, improved productivity, and greater success for our clients.


Laravel is a battle-tested open-source framework used by thousands of developers and agencies. It has a dedicated team of highly experienced developers maintaining it to ensure it stays up-to-date with the latest in security and emerging web technologies. Laravel has been around for over 10 years and has proven itself as a robust and efficient solution for building applications for the web. This reliable foundation allows us to confidently build best-in-class applications for our clients and reduces the surface area for bugs because we are not having to write as much code. It also allows us to move much faster since we don’t need to reinvent the wheel each time. Laravel helps us help our clients get to market faster and more efficiently.


We refer to Laravel as a “batteries included” framework because it provides all the foundational elements any web-based software product needs. This allows us to focus completely on the specific needs of our clients and what makes their products unique. We can leverage Laravel’s robust list of built-in features like caching, queues, security, authentication, routing, and so much more. Laravel allows us to significantly reduce the time it takes to build products and get our customer's ideas to market. We can quickly respond to changing customer needs, adapt to market trends, and stay ahead of the competition. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, Laravel's capabilities help us build products faster, smarter, and more efficiently, ultimately leading to greater success for our clients.


Laravel has excellent documentation and a large, active community of developers who contribute to its growth and development. This means that our devs can quickly find answers to questions, troubleshoot issues, and learn from the experiences of others. Whether it's through official documentation, tutorials, or forums. Laravel provides extensive support resources that help our team quickly overcome obstacles and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.


Laravel has a vast ecosystem of packages, libraries, and tools that can be easily integrated into projects. This means that our developers can quickly find solutions to common problems, rather than having to build everything from scratch. We can tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of the Laravel community, saving time and resources while also benefiting from the latest innovations and best practices. Because Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, and one of the most popular open-source frameworks in the world, there is no shortage of packages our dev team can tap into.


Laravel is designed to handle large-scale applications and can easily scale horizontally by adding more servers to the network. This makes it an ideal choice for working on high-traffic or enterprise-level projects. With Laravel, we’ve built applications that can handle huge traffic spikes and grow alongside their client's needs. There are even first-party options for running Laravel serverless or asynchronously that allow taking performance to extreme levels.


Finally, Laravel is an open-source framework, which means that it is free to use and distribute. This can help agencies save on licensing fees and reduce their overall project costs, making it a cost-effective solution for building robust web applications. With Laravel, agencies can deliver high-quality applications without breaking the bank.


Reusser loves using Laravel because of its exceptional qualities that contribute to project success and client satisfaction. With a solid foundation, battle-tested reliability, and a decade-long track record, Laravel provides a robust platform for crafting high-quality applications. Its “batteries included” approach accelerates development, allowing a focus on unique client needs.

The speed of development empowers quick adaptation to market dynamics, while extensive documentation and community support ensure a resourceful development process. Laravel’s vast ecosystem, scalability, and cost-effectiveness as an open-source framework enhance our ability to deliver top-notch, scalable, and budget friendly web applications.

Discover more about our tailored solutions and how we can enhance your web development journey — whether Laravel is the recommended solution or not, we can help!

Visit our website or give us a call today.